EADTU Presidency

Prof. Dr. Theo Bastiaens is the current President of EADTU. Bastiaens is the rector of the Open Universiteit (the Netherlands). He is professor of Educational Technology and has contributed to numerous international publications in his field. Bastiaens was Vice-President for Digitalization and Internationalisation at the Fernuniversität in Hagen.

Vice-President of EADTU is Prof. Dr. Àngels Fitó, rector of Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. She has a PhD in Business and Economics from the University of Barcelona, and is a full professor at the UOC. She combined her teaching work with a professional career in accounting and tax consulting for private companies and public institutions. 

Theo Bastiaens

President EADTU, Rector Open Universiteit

Àngels Fitó

Vice-President EADTU, Rector Universitat Oberta de Catalunya